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Cheapest universities in Hungary

Hungary, a country in Central Europe, is famous for its architectural works. It is surrounded by hills and provides a very beautiful site. Hungary supports the need of education and they know the importance of education because they are not rich in natural resources. So, they pay their full attention in business and engineering disciplines because they know that in future their graduates will support their country. Like other countries of Europe, Hungary also has a lot of universities which provide quality education to their students. Thus, students get better chance to evaluate themselves. They experiment and try to make new researches.

One beautiful thing of Hungary is that people are hard working. They work for their country and try to provide their maximum result. According to latest rankings, about 5-6 Hungary universities are present in top ranked universities of the World. All these departments provide quality education to their students. So, students can get under graduate or post graduate programs easily. Along this, they also have libraries, parks, museums for their students to facilitate them. University of Szeged is one of the most popular universities in Germany. The details of top universities are given.

Cheapest universities in Hungary

University Name

Contact Details

Eötvös Loránd University


Address: Budapest, Egyetem tér 1-3, 1053 Hungary

Telephone: +36 1 411 6500

University of Szeged


Address: Szeged, Aradi vértanúk tere 1, 6720 Hungary

Telephone: +36 62 544 000

University of Debrecen


Address: Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1, 4032 Hungary

Telephone: +36 52 512 900

1.     University of Pécs

2.     http://ajk.pte.hu/

Address: Pécs, 48-as tér 1, 7622 Hungary

Telephone: +36 72 501 599

Corvinus University of Budapest


Address: Budapest, Fővám tér 8, 1093 Hungary

Telephone: +36 1 482 5024

Budapest University of Technology and Economics


Address: Budapest, Műegyetem rkp. 3, 1111 Hungary

Telephone: +36 1 463 1111

Szent István University


Address:  Gödöllő, Páter Károly u. 1, 2100 Hungary

Telephone: +36 28 522 000

Semmelweis University


Address: Budapest, Üllői út 26, 1085 Hungary

Telephone: +36 1 459 1500

Central European University


Address: Budapest, Nádor u. 9, 1051 Hungary

Telephone: +36 1 327 3000

Budapest Metropolitan University


Address: Budapest, Nagy Lajos király útja 1-9, 1148 Hungary

Telephone: +36 1 273 2419

IBS International Business School Budapest


Address: Budapest, Záhony u. 7, 1031 Hungary

Telephone: +36 1 588 8600

University of Sopron


Address: Sopron, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky u. 4, 9400 Hungary

Telephone: +36 99 518 100

Budapest Business School


Address: Budapest, Buzogány u. 10-12, 1149 Hungary

Telephone: +36 1 469 6600

University of Miskolc


Address: Miskolc, 3515 Hungary

Telephone: +36 46 565 111

Pannon Egyetem


Address: Veszprém, Egyetem u. 10, 8200 Hungary

Telephone: +36 88 624 000

Széchenyi István University


Address: Győr, Egyetem tér 1, 9026 Hungary

Telephone: +36 96 503 400

Óbuda University


Address: Budapest, Bécsi út 96b, 1034 Hungar

Telephone: Budapest, Bécsi út 96b, 1034 Hungar

College of Dunaújváros


Address: Dunaújváros, Táncsics Mihály u. 1/a, 2400 Hungary

Telephone: +36 25 551 100

Hungarian University of Fine Arts


Address: Budapest, Andrássy út 69-71, 1062 Hungary

Telephone: +36 1 342 1738

Károli Gáspár University


Address: Budapest, Kálvin tér 9, 1091 Hungary

Telephone: +36 1 455 9060

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