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Forum script for your business


forum script php

The importance of creating and growing an online community is becoming more and more vital for business. the engagement through community can result in up to a 25% increase in revenue. Forum software is essential because it enables your customers to interact with each other in a smaller circle than they could via social media. There are various best free forum hosting software and as well as Laravel forum.

Sabai Discuss plugin for WordPress

It is a premium questions and answers plugin for WordPress. This plugin features the ability for users to ask and answer questions which is similar to Stack Overflow or Yahoo Answers. It is an ideal tool which is not only for building a community driven question and answer website but also for building a discussion forum or a helpdesk portal for WordPress. It provides you a simple forum. It has fully responsive and flat design. it allows you to search questions and answers by keywords and category with user-friendly auto-suggestion features.


DW Question & Answer Pro – WordPress Plugin

It is an all-time favorite question & answer plugin for WordPress. your WordPress forum website have a full-features question & answer section like StackOverflow, Yahoo or Quora Answers. With the DW question & answer Pro, you are provided with many new features as well as special support priority. It is the best forum software. It helps you to display all questions on one page at your choice with many features like sort, filter, pagination, search, etc. users can easily submit question on sidebar, question form page. It provides detailed description with HTML or Markdown.


Forym – Modern Discussion Forum for WordPress

This modern forum software allows you to add a clean and user-friendly forum to your website. it comes with many powerful features that help you to create a professional looking forum/helpdesk with ease. The forum is developed to work on the fronted of your website but administrators are able to manage all forums, replies, topics, tags and categories from the admin area as well.


bbPress shortcodes for Visual Composer

if you are missing shortcodes for bbPress in Visual Composer then don’t worry at all because there is a simple plugin whose purpose is to add and fill the gap of those missing shortcodes.


Groups Forums

Groups Forums is the best forum software that provides a powerful and yet light-weight forum system for WordPress websites. It is based on the free WordPress plugin Groups that can maintain unlimited forums where every user or only members of a group will be able to post and reply to topics in a forum and the forums will be visible to the public.


Envato Purchase Code Verifier for bbPress

With the Envato Purchase Code Verifier for WordPress, it is easier to verify all your Envato buyers and control how their purchase codes can be used in your forums. You can also limit access to a single forum, multiple forums or any forum. It also includes a Purchase Code manager to let you view and track all the codes used on your forums. You can use all these new features on Posts and pages. It also allows you to lock forums down according to a list of Envato item ID’s that require a license.


bbPress Access – Limit Forum Access

it is a simple but effective add-on for bbPress powered WordPress websites. With the help of this plugin, you can limit access to your access to your bbPress forum pages based on login or user roles. You can also setup individual conditions for almost each forum. All the pages including topics and replies can be limited based on these conditions. In contrast of other plugins, you can limit access to all forum including topics and replies.


Smart bbPress nVerify – Plugin for WordPress and Envato Market

This plugin is developed for all type of authors who sell products through Envato Marketplaces and use WordPress with bbPress plugin to provide support for customers. with the help of this Smart bbPress nVerify, you can easily setup forums protection so that users will be required to enter valid purchase code for your Envato products. You can also assign one or more products to an individual bbPress forums.


QaForum – WordPress Question & Answers Forum Plugin

It is an amazing WordPress plugin which helps you to build your own Question & Answer platform, customer service or feedback center, or a central knowledge base. Its key features are following as you can ask questions, or post questions as an admin, comment on questions – and get accepted as the answer, unique registration email template and much more.


Give Me Answer – WordPress Q&A Forum Plugin

It is a premium questions and answer plugin for WordPress. this plugin comes with the ability for users to ask and answer questions similar to Yahoo answers or StackOverflow. Give Me Answer is an ideal tool which can be used not only for building a community driven question & answer website but for building a discussion forum, a helpdesk portal for WordPress or a knowledge base as well. It has amazing features like fully Q&A schema support, private messages, user’s wall and much more.


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