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January 26, 2022
Laravel Admin Builder v2.2 Angular CRUD
Laravel Admin Builder v2.2

App Builder is software for Creating Automated systems , you can create your own system without Writing line of code .. you have only to use the wizard step by step to build your system Modules and start using it , you can Build System Like [Library Management , School Management , HR , ERP System etc ..

Features list Details

Users Module :
1.create User .
2.edit Users .
3.Delete Users .
4.Add / Edit User Role .

CRUD Module :

1.create new module .
2.add fields to module like :


  • text
  • text area
  • integer
  • date
  • datetime
  • File Attachment
  • Image
  • one to one relationship
  • select
  • radio

3.Generate module .


It Generate Controller , view ,model ,route files .
It make migration file and make table for module .
It Generate new permission to enable you control which User’s Role can access specific Module

4.Delete module

It Delete Controller , view ,model ,route files .
It Delete migration file and delete table of module .

5.Module side menu item

it create side menu item when generate module .
you can choose the icon and name of menu item when
creating new crud module .

Permission module : can create / update / delete permission on current modules can create / update / delete permission of Generated modules

Roles module : can create / update / delete role and assign any permissions you want to this Role .
2.then you can assign Role to user .
File Manager Module :
1. User Can upload files and create , update , delete folders and manage his files and pictures and resize them .
Form Builder :
1-It Generate Add,Edit,Delete Forms in your admin

Multiple admin Theme support

Dashboard Builder - CRUD,Users,Roles,Permission,Files Manager,Invoices - 3 Dashboard Builder - CRUD,Users,Roles,Permission,Files Manager,Invoices - 4

Newely added Features

1- RESTFUL API Support to use in any Mobile Apps.
2- General Settings enable/disable (Registration / CRUD Builder / File Manager).
3- RTL Support .
4- Multi-Language Support .
5- Laravel Version Update .
6-Social Login /Registeration [Facebook – Twitter – Google] 7- validation Rules on Fields .
8- Invoice Manager module .
9- Translation Manager .
10-Settings Manager .
11-Multiple admin Themes .
12- enhance styles for admin UI
13- Added Blog Module with it’s initial frontEnd .

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