ChatNet v1.0 – PHP Ajax Chat Room & Private Chat Script
January 26, 2022eClass v2.2.1 – Learning Management System
January 27, 2022
Generate your personal QR Code in few clicks!
Upload your logo, select custom colors, select a pattern and download the final QRcode. Available formats: .png, .svg.
- Color picker
- Custom Background and Foreground color
- Transparent background
- Gradient foreground
- Advanced QR Code patterns
- Custom QR Code Markers border and center
- Custom Frames
- Custom label
- Image uploader
- Custom watermarks
- Location search
- OpenMaps or GoogleMaps
- Responsive
- Multilanguage
- Easy setup
- Save QRcodes in .png and .svg format
- Custom theme color
- Custom layouts
- Live preview
Avialble QR Code types:
- Link
- Text
- E-mail
- Location (with GoogleMaps)
- Telephone
- WhatsApp
- Skype
- Zoom
- WI-Fi access
- V-Card
- Events
- PayPal checkout
- BitCoin transaction
Nulled version not available. If you want to use null version of it. You must first aware of the bug. Although null version available but this is not best for use it. We suggest you to buy this online product from below link for 100% better user experience and great SEO.
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