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Top wordpress plugins for blog ,newspaper and affiliate website

You are thinking about launching news site. Really awesome inspiration. If you thinking launching an online newspaper is very costly you are wrong then. You can do it easily with the help of WordPress.

WordPress is very well-known newspaper CMS and also an opensource product. There are thousands of developers working for its development. You can manage WordPress without any coding.

 You can easily maintain WordPress site through its by default function. There are also some plugins that you can add some extra functionality.  Functionality that helps you to run your business smoothly without any extra effort. We are sharing some valuable plugin that helps you not just for news site also for blog.

Top WordPress plugins for NEWS and blog site

WordPress Automatic plugin

World famous plugin that can fetch post from almost any website  automatically and post it on your with image, tag, keyword ,source link.

Most of the popular affiliate market place support this plugin. Those are Amazon,  Ebay , Walmart , Clickbank , Evanto, Craigslist , CareerJet.

Also this support lots of social media Facebook, twitter, Instagram ,Pinterest, Flickr , Youtube , Vimeo , Soundcloud etc.

Its also scrap data from blog feeds.


Ditty ticker

Famous WordPress plugin display your data in different mode. It helps to display your data 3 different mode. They are Scroll mode, Rotate mode and List Mode.



Wp news scrolling website

Nice and clean ready to go plugin that help your news to scroll in thumbnail widget. Support multilanguage. Have a option like full content or short content show. You can post your news in social media through this plugin.



Blog Manager

Present your blog post in so many ways. You can modify your view as like you want. All type of media support by this plugin. Grid, slider, Carousel these are will for this. You can rearrange your social icon, media type icon and title.



Mighty news addon

You don’t need to buy any news theme. No coding required. 50 display style that help you out in different post view. All most five pagination type and thumbnail function available. News Loading icon available.



Magazine builder

This plugin helps you to bring the magazine live into your blog. You can easily create magazine in any page you want. All the functions have drag and drop facility.



Newsomatic – Automatic News Post Generator

Yes, this is plugin you look for fully automated even this plugin automatically change the image and fetch it from legalized permission site to reuse (pixbay,unsplash) etc.



WordPress post auto spinner

This will help you to convert any article into new plagiarism free  article by replacing words and phrases by its synonyms autopilot function.



WordPress social site auto poster

Plugin that helps you for digital marketing. This plugin helps to post your article automatically on  12 social media that are famous.

Facebook, twitter, Instagram ,Pinterest .Telegram , WhatsApp , LinkedIn ,Tumbler etc.



Automatic Monitor Backlinks

You need to check your backlink as this the most important thing for google rank factor. Google always rank those sites which have good reputation online . They count that by backlink. Therefore you always need to monitor your backlink status. This plugin help you on that.

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