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January 27, 2020
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January 27, 2020
Why amazon affiliate account ban ?

Today I will talk about why Amazon affiliate links band or everything that does Amazon affiliate link band.

1. Excluding your site from the Amazon Dashboard:

Include your site in the Amazon Dashboard if you haven’t already. When you start to receive sales, if your site is not included in the Amazon Dashboard, Amazon will ban your affiliate link. That’s why it’s important to have the site included in the Amazon Dashboard.

2.Pre-associate account:

If the Amazon Associate Account is made, then of course, within 5 days if the cell becomes unstable, Amazon will ban the account. Therefore, it is better to have an Associate Account after some traffic coming to the site.

3.E-Books & Email Marketing “No”:

You cannot use the Amazon Affiliate link in your e-books and never use the Amazon Affiliate link in email marketing. If you do, your Amazon account will be banned.

4. Can’t copy Amazon’s features:

Refrain from copying any product content / features Amazon offers. If you do, Amazon will ban your affiliate link.

5. Give your site a Disclaimer:

Give your site a Disclaimer as included in the Amazon Associate Program. Disclaimer My website.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide sites for earning advertising fees through advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Additionally, My website.com participates in various other affiliate programs, and we sometimes get a commission made through our links.

6. Product Image:

Many times we follow the old school method. I take a direct image of the product from Amazon. Then I resize and use the image. But if I do not use the site strip or inserter plugin when Amazon account, then you will eat the problem band.

7. If you purchase  from your affiliate link:

If you buy anything through your affiliate link, your account will be banned.

8. If you have more than one account:

If you own or manage more than one Amazon account, your account will ban.

9. Porn or link to the gambling site:

If you promote a link to a porn or gambling site, you will be easily banned from Amazon Associate.

10. Sell not found at certain times:

According to Amazon Associate Rules, if you do not receive 3 sales within 180 days, your Associate Account will be banned.

11. Discount Payment:

If you offer a discount on a product like Amazon without any of Amazon’s offers, your Associate Account will be banned.

12.There is no point in buying a product through your link that says Extra Benefits. No one below the age of 5 can be targeted as a buyer. Amazon images can not be uploaded directly to your website.

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